Friday, February 13, 2009

The external motivator or de-motivator

It happens in most of the times in our lives that we are low and out cold. Then suddenly some person arrives in our lives that person seems to have given us the new way to look at things. You start pushing the boundaries and setting new goals. You start exploring things that you never explored before. Suddenly your life becomes exciting and you start to love it. You have got yourselves a MOTIVATOR.

Now things don’t go the way you want them to be and the person has to move out of your life. The one thing that had driven you for the time has disappeared. Things suddenly lose their essence and taste. You are lonely once again. You start living on the memories which make you smile and cry.  Suddenly your motivator has become your DE-MOTIVATOR.

Why do we require this external stimulus…

Why can’t we just live our life on our own…

Why do we many times live in the past and think about the future when our present is slipping away…

Dependency on someone is good as long as the person exists in your life. But during this course of time one should try to become independent while the external force is still present. Things will be a lot simple if we carry on with the same passion for things when the stimulus is missing.

Life moves on and slowly fades away. Make the most out of the external motivator because that person makes you stronger and bolder but at the same time may push you into something from where you won’t be able to make it back up on your feet.

Think about your external motivator that were present in your past and are present right now in your life. Will you survive without them?

1 comment:

  1. Very well said..:-)
    We tend to look back @ the past to screen the good things from bad that we have experienced and we want these selected events to happen in the future.Hence we live in the past and think of the future
