Sunday, July 12, 2009

Something to say

Am sitting here thinking of a rhyme,
Trying out something to kill the time.
Doing nothing all this time long,
Just sitting down here singing my favourite songs.
And its 3am now and still i feel so fresh,
Have to find a way out of this insomnia mesh.

Just couldn't stop thinking about you,
have to admit, you have filled up my stack & queue.
Just now i picked up my Cell Phone and dailed your name,
Network Buzy it showed, what a SHAME.
To you I wish only to say,
Being with you makes my day.


You riding in your car in this race,
You think you are off to a flying pace.
You adjust your mirror to see your opponents position,
Turns out he is no where to be seen in the near distance.
You rejoice now coz you think you are winning the race,
You can't seem to get the smile off your face.

Then you turn your GPS ON,
Just to see where your opponent's gone.
Now you are shocked to see the current state,
Your opponent is Leading in 1st place.

You step on the GAS and blast away,
Matter of time you knew u were going the wrong way.
You were the champ, but now its the time to step aside,
coz You lost in everything you tried,
and The Next Big Thing Has Arrived.

Rhyming around

Things are riding on my mind,
Well they are messing me up at the wrong time.
You gotta believe me when i say,
This things are way over my head.
Ain't have no place for this crap in my brain.

Am a fast rider and trash talker,
Well but here I am,
standing alone in this November rain,
Trying to find answers to the questions in my brain.

I don't know why I feel so low,
Just feels like my head recieved a blow.
Thinking of past viz is so clear,
Well I think the end is near.

I hope to finish this off soon,
Best day to do it will be on the full moon.
I don't think i will succeed in this,
Well atleast I will get to Rest in Peace.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

People generally quarrel because they cannot argue.

This seems to be true in many cases. Arguing for me is an art which leads to stating your point clearly when they contradict with the other. I believe that a quarrel only starts when one is not able to explain to the other what he really wants or when one is not able to understand the true idea of the argument.

Well quarrels are generally the bad side of an argument. One knows that he has no chance of winning/ having a argument so he starts fighting. It is human nature to throw stone for a stone [I also remember a story involving monkeys and a cap seller.]

But what the point in fighting when the outcome always turns out to be worst than before? Why don’t we learn the art of having a healthy argument?

Monday, May 11, 2009

Heart is just a Pump

I don't understand why we put so much emphasis on the Human Heart when it comes to emotions. Since ages the poetic heart has been given importance when it is nothing but a pump. 

As far as I know all our emotions arise from our brain. It is the brain which is the supreme commander which tells which part to function in which way.

Then let us consider a case of a very special person, someone you like very much but are scared to talk with. But when that person comes in front of us then, why does our heart beat rise? Why do we forget half of the things we were going to say? Why do we go about being happy or sad according to that person’s responses? There is a feeling of heaviness around your heart when you are sad. There is a feeling of extreme joy when you achieve what you want.

Everything arises from our brain. How we react to every situation is what we perceive of the world around us. Think about it, why we fall in love with only that special person. Is it because your heart says so? NAAH!!! It is only because your brain has selected that person to be special to you.

Many times we say I am stuck between my heart and my mind while making a decision. Think again you are only stuck between your analytical self and emotional self. Human heart has only one function i.e. pump blood. Emotions are all the state of mind and perhaps these emotions are the ones that make human being the most dominated species on this planet.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Trust the most destructive weapon

It is open secret to everyone that a person that can be more hurt when attacked by a trusted person than when attack by a person he does not care about. Trusting a person is difficult for some but easy for others. What we perceive of a person is very important for him/her to be trusted.

We can develop a trust naturally by talking to the person and then knowing their beliefs and thought process.  It is sometimes difficult to trust a person because some people tend to have some pre conceived notions regarding him/her and that is what you end up perceiving. But when you talk to the person you come to know some different side of him/her. Then your mind starts contradicting both sides of the coin. Now you don’t know whether to trust the person or not to. 

Well here comes the part where we all fall apart, we end up losing trust in the person. This often leads you to ignoring the person and often you miss out on things. You might be happy with this but what about that person who just developed trust in you. Now he/she does not understand what is going on. This trust is developed into hatred. Hatred is dangerous as it creates a mental image of a person even before you interact with the person. 

If you think the person has betrayed you then the best thing to do will be is to talk with the person and check out what exactly went wrong. Most of the times it is common misunderstanding that leads to hatred. But as you trust that person, he/she deserves a chance to explain what the problem was.

It is quite difficult to convince such a person. You can make friends with foes you did not care about. But it is almost impossible to make friends with a person you one trusted and has for some reason betrayed you

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Why do we dream???

One day I had a discussion out of nothing with one of my friends on DREAMS. Why do we actually dream while sleeping? What makes us dream? It is something that we all experience but I have never given it a hard thought.

She said that "I have heard someone say, Brain is like a computer, during the day our brain opens up all the windows and at the end of the day closes it down. Sometimes it so happens that we don't manage to close all the windows and the ones stored in long term memory popup and close while you are sleeping." 

Some dreams do represent the images that we saw in the past. Something that we have witness before. I saw a funny thing happen on my cell phone (Sony p990i), the feature in this phone is that it has a qwerty keypad on the handset and the numpad is on a flap. Now open the flap, open a application say Contacts, now close the flap. The application disappears and you will get a blank screen. Now open the flap again run other application. Now press the back key and suddenly in a second you would see the previous application which had disappeared, flashing on the screen and disappearing. The fact is that this application was not closed and remained running in the phone's memory, it flashes in attempt to close the application.  If this can happen on gadget's memory then our brain is way too complex and the above statement made by my friends holds ground.

Then dreams are just the representation of your thoughts. The things you constantly think about and the things that are there in your memory. They flash up. I know some would associate the word Rapid Eye Movement to dreams, but i know little about it to actually type it down. But I do know that while sleeping our conscious mind goes to sleep and the sub-conscious remains awake.

Children versus Adults

Ever thought of it, how many dreams we use to see in the childhood and how many we see now. I don't get why children dream more than adults. Is it that our brain is able to handle memory more efficently when we grow up? Or the learnin power of the brain is more in children that thier curiosity keeps the sub-conscious mind flashing images to them.

Bad Dreams (Nightmares)

A study says that dreams are the brain's reflexes to a certain sound or surrounding when we are sleeping.  If this is true then I propose a solution for the people who constantly get bad dreams. Bad dreams maybe bad experience or your brain is making up images that you haven't seen before. Then for few days change the room and the bed in which you sleep. Change the environment and you will notice a difference. I talk this from the experiences I have heard in the past. Change the work routine for a day or two, have fun, explore your craziness and sleep in some other room or some other bed. Notice the difference, if it works then let me know :)

Dreaming something you haven't seen before

Everyone knows our brain is far more creative than what we actually think. In our dreams we try to visualise things that we haven't seen before. Now how does this come up in our brain. Now we talking about your right side of the brain contributing to the imagination. So we end up seeing things that we haven't imagined or thought about before. Be it flying or be it a murder or be it some beautiful person :)

Deja vu

Now this is something interesting that happens to almost all of us. We often see a situation or a setup in our dreams. Let some time pass by, we again witness the same situation in real life. We have a 'deja vu'. How does our mind gives us the power to go beyond the limits of time and actually create a picture of the future. It is something that fascinates me because I have experience it a number of times. 

Then I come down to the same question that I asked in the start "Why do we dream while asleep." Is our brain trying to communicate something to us? The power of the human brain is not fully understood.  Dreaming is good (sometimes provides entertainment while sleeping :) ) But is it true that our dreams connect to something meaning ful. Is it a cipher that we are not yet not able to decipher.

Monday, February 16, 2009

The Theater experiment

Ever heard of herd mentality, i.e. influence of peers to change ones behavior or view about something. This happens to all of us, whether it is view about a person or a place or even a movie. I was compelled to think about this as recently I saw mix reviews of group of people that went to see a certain movie in a multiplex. For proving my point I have an activity arranged for you.

This activity begins with choosing a movie with varying rating in papers. Select one group with whom you would like to go for the movie. Don’t give any review during or after the movie, just sit back and listen to the comments being passed. You will notice two things, if one person starts praising the movie then everyone starts praising the movie. You all will come out feeling happy about the movie. But consider this, one person starts passing bad comment on the movie and everyone’s mood gets distracted. The same movie you will be giving bad reviews.

So it does matter with whom you are going to go a watch a movie. Things that are done in groups often take the direction that some influential people want. Same goes for one’s view on a thing or a person or a place (restaurant), unless you remove all the crap from your mind and take the first hands on experience, understanding the true meaning/essence is not possible. Think about it, we can relate this in our everyday life.

Friday, February 13, 2009

The external motivator or de-motivator

It happens in most of the times in our lives that we are low and out cold. Then suddenly some person arrives in our lives that person seems to have given us the new way to look at things. You start pushing the boundaries and setting new goals. You start exploring things that you never explored before. Suddenly your life becomes exciting and you start to love it. You have got yourselves a MOTIVATOR.

Now things don’t go the way you want them to be and the person has to move out of your life. The one thing that had driven you for the time has disappeared. Things suddenly lose their essence and taste. You are lonely once again. You start living on the memories which make you smile and cry.  Suddenly your motivator has become your DE-MOTIVATOR.

Why do we require this external stimulus…

Why can’t we just live our life on our own…

Why do we many times live in the past and think about the future when our present is slipping away…

Dependency on someone is good as long as the person exists in your life. But during this course of time one should try to become independent while the external force is still present. Things will be a lot simple if we carry on with the same passion for things when the stimulus is missing.

Life moves on and slowly fades away. Make the most out of the external motivator because that person makes you stronger and bolder but at the same time may push you into something from where you won’t be able to make it back up on your feet.

Think about your external motivator that were present in your past and are present right now in your life. Will you survive without them?

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Life as an invisible cage

Thinking about doing something but you stop yourself thinking about the constraints that will come in your way. Well we are known to stop ourselves from exploring the crazy side of life because we are bound by rules. What is it anyways, a set of dos and don’ts that we impose on ourselves. My saying is that it all melts down to one word FEAR. Fear of doing something wrong, fear of losing something/someone, fear of failing … the list goes on.  Well fear is invisible and fear is one factor that locks you up. 

We all are living life in an invisible cage where fear is the warden.  This invisible cage is stretchable and can be escaped for awhile. When we do escape out of it there is a sense of extreme happiness, something that gives you the feeling of craziness and everything seems possible. But after a while you are again caught back inside this invisible cage. Fear creeps in and controls your body and the best part is that one does not even know about it.

Continue to live in this cage as it is good be under some rules and fear. But once in a while try escaping the cage and you would know the world around you is lot different than what you actually perceive.