Monday, February 16, 2009

The Theater experiment

Ever heard of herd mentality, i.e. influence of peers to change ones behavior or view about something. This happens to all of us, whether it is view about a person or a place or even a movie. I was compelled to think about this as recently I saw mix reviews of group of people that went to see a certain movie in a multiplex. For proving my point I have an activity arranged for you.

This activity begins with choosing a movie with varying rating in papers. Select one group with whom you would like to go for the movie. Don’t give any review during or after the movie, just sit back and listen to the comments being passed. You will notice two things, if one person starts praising the movie then everyone starts praising the movie. You all will come out feeling happy about the movie. But consider this, one person starts passing bad comment on the movie and everyone’s mood gets distracted. The same movie you will be giving bad reviews.

So it does matter with whom you are going to go a watch a movie. Things that are done in groups often take the direction that some influential people want. Same goes for one’s view on a thing or a person or a place (restaurant), unless you remove all the crap from your mind and take the first hands on experience, understanding the true meaning/essence is not possible. Think about it, we can relate this in our everyday life.

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